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" Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing there is a field.. I´ll meet you there" RUMI


The world needs Love & Peace!!FYDG

El mundo necesita Amor & Paz!!

"Let the water settle

you will see stars and moon

mirroud in your being"  Rumi

*Motivational Writer-Poet- Communicator-*
*Personal development-*
*Spiritual & Peace - Activist-*
*Strong supporter of Human Rights-*
Love is all what makes the world go around. Fá YDG.©

"Education is the best present you can give to a child" Fátima YDG.


I want to know God's thoughts,the rest are details".Albert Einstein .
"Quiero conocer los pensamientos de Dios, el resto son sólo detalles".Albert Eintein


Email me or contact me filling this form  below, and i will get your comment and information! Thanks for the conection! Love & Light. Thanks.FA:)

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Para comunicarte conmigo llena este formato  arriba con tus datos y escribeme, lo recibire en mi correo y tendre tu comunicacion. Gracias por la conexion. Mucho amor y luz en tu vida. Gracias.FA:)






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AffluenceLove-Peace on Earth-Help Children